Friday, November 9, 2018

"Let's Get Saucy" HARD COPY is now AVAILABLE!

High Carb Hannah's NEWEST "Let's Get Saucy"book is NOW AVAILABLE in a hard-copy version! Includes over 55 AMAZINGLY TASTY junk-free, oil-free, dairy-free sauces and dressings!

Hard Copy Version:

You can also purchase this cookbook in an eBook form:
Use the code MRSPLANT for 10% off the eBook price!

 Mrs. Plant makes use of affiliate links when they are available. These are products I have personally purchased and recommend based on my experience with them. Your use of these links for product purchases provides me with a commission which pays for the food and supplies I use to keep this website alive. However, your use of these links as a reader is not required. 

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