Friday, June 3, 2016

Celebrate Your Progress

Me and my husband in Gulf Shores in 2008
From time to time, I beat myself up because I don't weigh 107 pounds like I did in my freshman year of college. Or, I forget that only 4 years ago, I was up to 220 pounds and rarely got off the couch. I forget that multiple meals I ingested a week were from fast food places--particularly breakfasts, which I loved to eat out. I sometimes forget that I didn't become over 200 pounds in a year. The weight crept on over many years as a result of the choices I made. And, my diabetes didn't just develop overnight. It was the result of consistent insults to my body from the foods I chose to put in it. So yes, we've GOT to remember where we came from; but, we also need to celebrate our positive progress along the journey.

That said, it may take time (your OWN time) to get to your optimum health. So, be patient with your progress and PRESS ON. Even if you mess up or have a bad day, don't give up. Celebrate what you've already achieved, and achieve more so you have more to celebrate over time.

Me and my son right before my first 5K in 2016
Your weight or your cholesterol or your blood pressure will come down in your OWN time. Don't compare your journey with anyone else's because your body is unique.

My husband and I come from families with very strong genetic propensities for heart disease and diabetes. We are fighting EVERY day to escape the fate of our parents. I talk to people regularly who don't have any issues they're fighting, and I could be angry or feel envious. But, this is the journey *I* was meant to be on. And, while I'm here on this Earth, I am going to continue to fight the battle courageously.

If you have been living the WFPB lifestyle for some time now, sit down and write out the positive changes you've experienced. Do you sleep better? Is your energy level higher? Has your cholesterol level dropped--even if it's not exactly where you'd like it to be yet? Have you lost weight? Have you started to exercise your body more? Have you made new friends as a result? There are dozens of things that have changed in me since I became plant-based in 2012. SO many reasons to celebrate and stay motivated. Be kind to yourself today, and celebrate the positive changes you've made for your health.


  1. Your are amazing, Amy. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Replies
    1. You bet! I hope it was encouraging!

  3. Most of the time when I read the WFPB sites I think the blogger probably has always been basically normal size and never really struggled with having more than a few pounds to loose. Sharing your real story with us is just amazing … thank you for doing this … knowing it can be done and that you are doing it has given me and so many others real encouragement … Congratulations!

    1. Thank you, Bonnie! I can definitely say I have been on a journey from completely unhealthy (in ALL ways!) to feeling great most every day! I am glad my story and site is an encouragement to you and others. Along the way, I have loved reading other people's stories, so I totally get how motivating that is. HUGS FROM TEXAS!
