Thursday, March 3, 2016

Oil-Free Cheezy Ranch Tortilla Chips

There are times when you desire a crunch like you used to get from bagged chips. GOOD NEWS! You can make a healthier alternative using corn tortillas and a few seasonings!

I generally save a few spice jars after I use up the spice for precisely this kind of use. I also make up my own seasoning mixes (Mexican, Italian, etc.) and refill these containers.

Basically, all you need to do is cut up some corn tortillas (the thinner, the better and with whole ingredients -- no chemicals), brush them with water, and sprinkle whatever seasoning you'd like over them. Then, bake them at 325 degrees until crispy and lightly browned (generally from 12-15 minutes depending on how thick your tortillas are). Make sure to keep checking them after 8 minutes to make sure they don't burn.

Here is the spice version you see featured:

1 t dried parsley
1/2 t dried dill
1 t garlic powder
1 t onion powder
1/2 t sea salt
1/8 t ground black pepper
3 T nutritional yeast (less if you like less cheezy) 

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