Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spinach-Stuffed Mushooms

I picked a large bowl of spinach from my garden yesterday, and I quickly devised this dinner centered around that. GREAT way to get a lot of greens in! I made spinach-stuffed mushrooms over whole wheat angel hair pasta with roasted butternut squash. NO OIL ADDED to any of the dishes!

Spinach-Stuffed Mushooms

12 large stuffing mushrooms, washed well
2 cloves of garlic, minced
16 oz. of fresh organic spinach, chopped finely
1/4 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
2 T. walnuts, chopped finely
2 T. white wine (or veggie broth)
1/4 T. salt (optional)
black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Carefully remove the stems from the mushrooms without breaking the caps. Place the caps into a casserole dish.
Chop the stems into fine pieces.
Place mushroom STEMS and garlic into a medium skillet over medium heat and cook until most of the fluid has evaporated.
Add the chopped spinach and cook until wilted.
Add bread crumbs, walnuts, wine, salt, and pepper and stir until well combined.
Stuff the mushroom caps with the spinach mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes, just until mushroom caps are tender.
Serve alone or over whole wheat pasta.

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